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Nutritional Deficiency

Wellness Testing

Let’s face it, the foods we consume today are highly processed and lack a lot of the beneficial nutrients and vitamins that are seen in all natural whole foods. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat!

Proactive Wellness 

It’s time to be proactive in your health…not Reactive! We at LVWellness & Aesthetics are a proactive wellness center who utilizes SpectraCell’s Advanced Micronutrient testing in order to detect specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies within your body before certain disease states rear their ugly head.

SpectraCell’s Micronutrient test provides the most comprehensive nutritional analysis available by measuring functional deficiencies at the cellular level. The test analyzes how well the body utilizes 33 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites, while conveying the body’s need for these micronutrients that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth, development, and good health.

SpectraCell provides easy-to-read test reports for the clinician and the patient. We’ve incorporated numerical and graphic representations for each result, and we offer repletion suggestions based on each patient’s deficiencies. We’ve included easy-to-understand supplement information that explains the role of each nutrient found deficient, deficiency symptoms, how to obtain that nutrient in food and toxicity and RDI standards for adults. 

So What’s the Purpose of Knowing These Levels?

  • Imagine a sports car you love and adore and your child decides to replace the oil for you, but uses a cheaper non-synthetic oil to replace the oil for you…The car will definitely run, but not as efficiently as you’d like it to. 
  • Our bodies work in a much similar fashion, only at a much more complex level.  Knowing your body’s micronutrient levels allows us to guide a patient on how best to optimize each micronutrient level and why a particular deficiency can worsen or induce certain disease states (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity, cancer) 

Two Other Very Important Measurements Within a Micronutrient Test are the SPECTROX™ and IMMUNIDEX™ Levels

SPECTROX™ measures a person’s total antioxidant function, which helps the body’s cellular repair process. Poor cellular function can lead to increased inflammation, cancer, and certain autoimmune conditions.
IMMUNIDEX™ measures a person’s immune system function. Our immune system tends to decline with age and during times of stress, thus a higher score allows our body’s to ward off infections.

SpectraCell provides easy-to-read test reports for the clinician and the patient. We’ve incorporated numerical and graphic representations for each result, and we offer repletion suggestions based on each patient’s deficiencies. We’ve included easy-to-understand supplement information that explains the role of each nutrient found deficient, deficiency symptoms, how to obtain that nutrient in food and toxicity and RDI standards for adults. 

Sample SpectraCell Test

Borderline Findings:

  • Vitamin B2, Glutamine, Vitamin A, Copper, Magnesium

Deficient Findings:

  • Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Glucose-Insulin Interaction, Chromium, Glutathione

Knowing each of your deficiencies allows us to customize a specific replacement program for each of our patients instead of just trying to guess and waste time and money on excessive supplements. 

SpectraCell Micronutrient Testing FAQs

This is collected within our office by a simple serum blood draw

Dr. Hogan’s team can mail a kit directly to your home, which will allow you to go to a local blood draw clinic that can then mail the kit out directly to Spectracell

Typically within 10-14 days

This really depends on the patient and how deficient their levels are, but at least once a year is recommended

Yes, it often takes several months for levels to return to their optimal levels, thus we usually won’t recommend undergoing another test for a minimum of 6 months

  • This often depends on what exactly is deficient and how this specific vitamin, mineral, fatty acid, or amino acid can be replaced 
  • Some deficiencies can be customized through IV Therapy, while others will need to be optimized through specific foods and vitamin supplementation 

The Micronutrient Test can benefit anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of their nutritional status.

The test can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic health conditions, those who are on restrictive diets, or those who are experiencing unexplained symptoms.

The test can also be useful for athletes or individuals who are looking to optimize their nutrition for peak performance.

Overall, the SpectraCell Micronutrient Test is a valuable tool for assessing nutrient status and identifying nutrient deficiencies or imbalances. The test provides a comprehensive analysis of your  nutrient levels, and the results can be used to develop personalized dietary and supplementation plans to optimize health and well-being. If you are interested in learning more about the Micronutrient Test, call our office to talk to our specialists to see if this testing is right for you.