We all possess certain genes that may be good or may be bad, but having poor genes doesn’t mean your predestined for that particular disorder. Genes are turned on or off by their environment and what we expose our genes to. What we consume nutritionally, how move, stress levels, and sleep regulation all help regulate your genes.
Genetic testing has allowed us to take a deeper look into the human body and determine your overall predispositions for certain disease states. This allows us to take the proper precautions on how best to up-regulate or down-regulate certain genes within the body.
Why Should You Get Genetic Testing?
Do you possess certain genes that predispose us for certain chronic disease states, such as diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even autoimmune disorders?
Do you have certain genes you could pass down to your children?
Do you have symptoms or side effects that other practitioners are stating there is nothing wrong.
Inflammation plays a role in numerous disease states and health problems, including asthma, chronic arthritis, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and more.
This panel provides insight into specific genes that play a role in both b12 and folic acid methylation. Methylation involves adding a “methyl” or a “CH3” molecule to a substrate, which is involved in over 250 processes within the body.
Billions of neurons exist in the brain. These cells share information with other nerve cells through electrical impulses, allowing for thought and communication throughout the body. It’s not uncommon for the body to run out of inhibitory neurotransmitters when one has overactive excitatory neurotransmitters.
Chronic pain affects millions of people across the world and many who live with chronic pain may look healthy from the outside but, internally, are experiencing so much pain that they have a difficult time living a normal day-to-day life. Medications such as opiates only act as a bandaid for the pain and often lead to higher addiction rates and the need for stronger dosages.
Who does this test benefit?
Chronic Joint Pain/Arthritis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis)
The gut is unique in that it’s the only organ system that is autonomic and functions without oversight from the brain. Its primary purpose is to help breakdown food, absorb its nutrients for energy, and expel the remaining materials from the body.