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Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual Rejuvenation

Erectile Dysfunction (impotence) is the inability or problem maintaining an erection long enough to perform sexual activity. Erectile Dysfunction is a rather common symptom that affects up to 52% of men in America and can be caused by several health issues such as:

  • Low Testosterone
  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Post-Prostate Removal
  • Uncontrolled Hypertension
  • Psychological factors such as Anxiety and Depression

The E.D. Shot

The ED Shot is a non-surgical painless injection for men that uses platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is obtained from the patient’s own blood serum to help improve erections. Small amounts of PRP are injected along both sides of the shaft of the penis. The total procedure takes less than 10 minutes to perform and results are typically immediate!

So how does PRP help with my erectile problems? PRP provides several growth factors, which helps to improve and regenerate new blood vessels and nerve endings, leaving you with better circulation, sensation and stronger erections.

Every patient’s experience is different, but some of the common benefits you can experience include:

  • Increased blood flood flow
  • Increased Stamina 
  • Increased Pleasure and Sensation


Typically, there will be a 10% – 20% increase in length and girth.

After numbing, the injections take no longer than 10 minutes.

Most men are quite comfortable during the procedure. The discomfort is often described as a mild pinch or sometimes a bit of mild pressure. The numbing feeling from the numbing medicine may last 30-60 minutes after the procedure.

There are typically no side effects or downtime. Occasionally there is a brief period of mild soreness, typically lasting less than a day. You can return to work, exercise and do any other activity you wish on the same day, including sexual activity.

Initially, there will be a volume increase from the combination of the platelets and the serum (or water) in the blood, plus all the growth factors in the water that the activated platelets are starting to release. Some of the water is then absorbed by the body over the next three days. Then there is the growth of new tissue that continues for at least 12 weeks.

As for sexual function, some men report immediate results; however, realistically most men should expect about four weeks to pass before they notice any significant improvements. The E.D. shot will work best if a man has his hormones (particularly testosterone) well-balanced.

You may have services on the same day as a consultation as long as you make your desire for service known at the time of scheduling. We also like every treatment or service offered at LVWellness & Aesthetic customized for the individual, discussing options that best suit your goals and needs.